The psychology of weight loss

Psychology plays a major role in weight loss. Why is it we all know what we should be but yet we fail time and time again? There is something stopping you, something in your sub conscious.... Even if you are telling yourself you want to lose weight, your sub conscious mind may be sabotaging your attempts. You need to find out what the reasons are for your previous weightloss failures now or you will not succeed in the future. To be able to lose weight successfully you need to find out and confront the underlying reasons for not wanting to lose weight, once you do this you will find it easier to start losing weight.

Most overweight people can give one excuse or another to justify why they are overweight. Excuses are used in our lives every day to protect us from being emotionally hurt. Listed are some common reasons we use for not losing weight (I have used a few myself)

• I have a slow metabolism
• I have also been a big person
• It's genetic. my family members are all big
• I don't have time to prepare healthy meals
• I can't function without sugar
• I don't have time to exercise
• I don't know where to start

There are many more reasons, BUT there is no real reason you cannot lose weight. These are excuses we use to protect ourselves. Are you really convinced that you can't lose weight because you need sugar or have no time???? No, there is more to it than that. What benefits are you getting from being overweight, here a few common ones:

• People treat me better when I am overweight
• I don't have to change
• I don't have to go out and meet people
• I use weight as an excuse not to succeed
• When I fail to find friends. a partner or a job I can blame my weight
• I'm lazy and can't be bothered to put in the effort
• I use my weight as a barrier to the outside world

These are some of the underlying reasons why you may not be losing weight. You have a battle going on in your sub conscious. Failed weight loss attempts in the past should not stop you from trying again. It's not just you there are many people in the same position. As long as you can clarify to yourself the reasons for your being overweight, you should be able to work on them, and then weightloss will become easier.

Weightloss is a slow and frustrating process; it can take months to lose few kilos. However you should begin to look at it as a lifestyle change, something you are going to do for the rest of your life. It doesn't mean denying yourself of the things you like. It means having them in moderation.

You need to create new habits; we eat the way we do out of habit. Habit is a powerful force because it brings us comfort. When you are in your comfort zone anything that is outside of it can upset or ruffle you, doing new things, changing things etc. Are usually things you try and avoid.

To be able to change your habits, you must consciously work hard on creating new ones. It is also very easy to fall back into your old habits and therefore it is very important to be very aware of what you are doing at all times.

Changing anything is stressful. But you need to realise this beforehand and tell yourself that change is good. You need to recognise that any change in your life is going to be stressful even if it is for the better. You will have to buy different sorts of food, you will have to start exercising and you will have to change many of your daily routines. But even if these changes put you outside your comfort zone, you need to realise that they are changes for the better and you need to be persistent.


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