Tips for Caring Obesity in Children

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Out of 3 children are overweight and many children are affected by childhood obesity.

This obesity can cause serious diseases the children including diabetes, asthma, and heart diseases etc. people mocked at the obese children and they themselves feel depressed about their obesity problem.

If you are the parents of such children you may also feel worried about it but with the support, encouragement and care your children can also maintain good weight.

Here are the few tips to care for obesity in the children

•Healthy eating habits
The main cause of obesity in the children is the unhealthy eating habits. One should make major changes in their eating style like encourage a balanced diet consisting of all required basic components of food, make breakfast as your priority and control your number of meals etc.

•Make good choice of snacks and sweets
Most of the food is supplied from the kitchen to the children so the kitchen should contain healthy foods. Obese children should be restricted for the excessive intake of juices. They should go for fruits when they have craving for having something sweet.

•Watch meal size of children

One should carefully check the size of meal children are taking, read food labels to know the number of calories in the eatables and also try to serve food to obese child the kitchen to avoid the more temptation of food.

•Encourage the habit of exercise at your place
Exercise is very important to keep an individual healthy and smart. If your children are not habitual of doing the risk of obesity increases in them so encourage the children for regular exercise.

•Keep children moving
Parents should involve their children in their work at home or they should assign them some work from daily routine work to keep them moving. It will help to keep the children healthy and it also reduces the chances of being overweight.

•Encourage children to play outdoor games

Overweight children mostly go for indoor games. They prefer to watch T.V, play video games etc but such children should be encouraged to play outdoor games like foot ball, cricket, base ball etc. in this way children will run and it will help to burn the calories.

Obese children are likely to be the obese adults. Bad health can be prevented if childhood obesity is controlled. Parents should visit their doctor to get information about the ways of losing weight.



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