Mother with deadly cancer gene has both breasts removed as they 'were like ticking time bombs'

By Daily Mail Reporter

'I could have got breast cancer next year, next week - at any moment'

A midwife has spoken of her agonising decision to have both her perfectly healthy breasts surgically removed to beat breast cancer.

Kara Smith, 40, from Kettering, is recovering after undergoing a gruelling eight-hour operation.

The mother of five said she felt she had no choice but to go through with the operation after doctors discovered a hereditary gene which meant she was almost certain to contract breast cancer in later life.

Kara underwent routine tests after her mother and aunt contracted breast cancer and was found to possess the hereditary BRCA2 gene, leaving her chances of avoiding cancer at just 15 per cent.

Kara said: 'I had just finished my night shift and arrived home. I got a call from the hospital saying my tests had come back positive and they needed to see me.

'I was absolutely devastated. I expected the tests to be clean. Suddenly my breasts were like ticking time bombs.

'I would have got it, I know I would have done. I could have got it next year, next week - at any moment.'

The only way to reduce the risk was a double mastectomy operation, but the decision to remove two perfectly healthy breasts proved to be a nightmare no woman would want to face.

Kara said: 'I tried to find every excuse not to have them off. I run and live a healthy lifestyle, but the doctors said that made no difference to the gene.

'I was devastated. But after two weeks I just thought "you can't make yourself miserable like this."

'I just decided, there and then, to have them both off. From that moment on I've just been really positive about it.

'I've started joking about it with friends and my five brilliant children have been having a laugh with me.

'The way I see it I've been really lucky. I didn't need to have any cancer treatment, and I know women my age who have died from breast cancer.

'It may seem strange but I feel brilliant, I fell like I'm on cloud nine.'

Kara Smith had her breasts removed and reconstructive surgery on the same day at Kettering Hospital

Doctors removed Kara's breasts at Kettering Hospital and performed reconstructive plastic surgery four weeks ago and she has been off work recovering ever since.

She said: 'It was really hard. I was taken down at half past nine and wasn't back until quarter to six.

'I have had drains put in for the blood and I have to have further reconstruction operations later.

'Ten years ago they didn't do reconstructions, now they do it on the day, so I feel so lucky. There's something there to replace what was taken away. They feel different, but at least I can now rest knowing the risk has gone. '



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